As the new year begins let’s look back at some of the best articles I’ve published on The Simple Hiker. These include several beneficial and practical tips for hikers of all levels. If you’re into hiking, these are the helpful articles you should’ve read, but probably didn’t.Â
Ten Great Hiking Tips You Should’ve Read But Probably Didn’t

What Hikers Need To Know About Rhabdo
Rhabdomyolysis is probably not something that’s commonly known about in the hiking community. However, it’s something everyone should be aware of. Rhabdo is a medical condition that can develop from overexertion. The cause is generally when the energy levels in the body can no longer meet the demands of the body. Rhabdo can potentially be fatal.

Not surprisingly, one of the follow up posts in my hiking and rhabdomyolysis series was how hikers can prevent rhabdo from occuring in the first place. This article is full of some great tips that hikers can use to prevent developing rhabdo.

A Hiker’s Guide To Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, and Poison Sumac
Whether it’s any of these three mentioned plants, they can be quite a nuisance when coming in contact with the plant. These three plants all share the same oily compound responsible for irritating allergic reactions. This informative guide gives people information on how to recognize these plants, how to prevent reactions, and what to do once a reaction has occurred.

Hiking Skill Levels – What Type Of Hiker Are You?
Many popular hiking websites list level of difficulty when giving trial descriptions. Knowing where you stand can help you be adequately prepared for hikes. This guide can help you to assess where you fit in from novice, advanced, expert, to expert backpacker.

What Hikers Need To Know About Rattlesnake Bites
Rattlesnakes are the most common venomous snakes in North America that hikers are likely to encounter. A bite from a rattlesnake can result in many complications including death. The bottom line: get to an emergency room as soon as possible. This comprehensive guide covers what happens to the body when a snake bite occurs, signs and symptoms, and complications.

Ten Essential Tips For Surviving The Summer Heat
With good reason, summer is the popular time of year for many National Parks and trails across the country. With summer comes hot temperatures. Sometimes the heat can be downright unbearable and more dangerous than anything else. These tips can point you in the right direction for hitting the trails during the summer.

First Aid For Hikers After Being Bit By A Rattlesnake
Part two on the series about hiking and rattlesnakes covers what hikers need to know about treatment. This article gives details on first aid in the field and what to expect once you’re at an emergency room.

Is Social Media Ruining America’s National Parks?
As many people figure out a way to capitalize on famous landmarks in nature, places that were once a quiet secret, have become increasingly popular. Increased visitation is arguably having a drastic environmental impact on these sites. This is leading some to argue that social media is ruining America’s National Parks and other beautiful landscapes.

Exposure to cold environments is one of the most common causes of hypothermia. This guide will help hikers understand what happens to the body when hypothermia occurs, signs and symptoms of hypothermia, treatment, and when to seek emergency treatment.
This list of articles was created based on popularity rankings throughout the 2018 year.